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St Barnabas & St Paul's CEPS home page

Meet the Attendance Team






Attendance is everyone's responsibility, and each member of staff is fully trained on the school's attendance and punctuality procedures. The school's attendance team monitor school attendance and punctuality daily as your child’s learning and well-being is at the heart of everything we do. 


We cannot be complacent where there are instances of persistently low attendance, or if children are regularly late to school. Below are some of the ways we ensure attendance and punctuality remain a high priority in school. 

  • Attendance is monitored daily by either the Office Team or the Inclusion Team.
  • School have a thorough and robust system for obtaining the whereabouts of all of our pupils.
  • Attendance is everyone's responsibility and any concerns with attendance are raised promptly. 
  • Weekly Attendance Team meetings occur in school.
  • Late sign-in – a member of the Attendance Team will greet you daily at the Main Entrance if your child arrives late.
  • Daily home visits for unexplained/unauthorised absences.
  • Parent Workshops aimed at improving Attendance and Punctuality. 
  • Family Meetings (Exceptional Leave, Persistence Absences/Lateness, Improvement and Thank yous…)
  • Working with cluster schools to identify families requiring additional support.


Please visit the School Office if you wish to make an appointment to speak to a member of our Attendance Team.

St Barnabas & St Paul’s Church of England Primary School

Oakenhurst Road, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB2 1SN

01254 698413