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St Barnabas & St Paul's CEPS home page

Mental Health & Emotional Well-Being

Your Mental Health & Emotional Well-Being


No one experiences perfect mental health or well-being all of the time. We all have to learn how to balance the different aspects of our lives. When things in our life change, we have to re-establish the balance. However, ongoing mental health problems can take a real toll on your well-being.


Your mental health can affect many areas of your life;

  • Work, school, or home life
  • Relationships with others
  • Sleep
  • Appetite
  • Energy levels
  • Ability to think clearly or make decisions
  • Physical health
  • Life satisfaction and more...


Mental health is just as important to our lives as our physical health.

Mental health is not the same thing as the absence of a mental illness. Mental health includes emotional, psychological and social well-being. It can influence:

  • How you feel about yourself, the world and your life
  • Your ability to solve problems and overcome challenges
  • Your ability to build relationships with others and contribute to your communities
  • Your ability to achieve your goals


Many people take care of their physical health before they feel sick. They may eat well, exercise and try to get enough sleep to help maintain wellness. You can take the same approach to mental health. Just as you may work to keep your body healthy, you can also work to keep your mind healthy.


So if you are feeling low, sad, lonely, overwhelmed, stressed, angry or just feeling numb, please talk to someone. 


And just a reminder in case your mind is playing tricks on you today: 

You matter.

You’re important.

You’re loved. 

And your presence on this earth makes a difference whether you see it or not. 


Remember you can call school anytime and ask to talk to someone confidentially. We are here to help and want everyone to feel well and happy in all that they do. 


Here are some useful websites and numbers to help improve your mental health and emotional well-being. 



If you just need to talk, any time of day or night:

Free listening services

These services offer confidential advice from trained volunteers. You can talk about anything that's troubling you, no matter how difficult:

If you're under 19, you can also call 0800 1111 to talk to Childline. The number will not appear on your phone bill.


St Barnabas & St Paul’s Church of England Primary School

Oakenhurst Road, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB2 1SN

01254 698413