We have won an attendance award! This award is an acknowledgement of the hard work and dedication of staff, pupils, parents and carers in achieving excellent attendance during the autumn term. Well done to everyone!

At St Barnabas and St Paul's Primary School, we know the impact regular attendance has on your child’s learning and well-being; and that having good attendance is directly linked to raising achievement and develops skills for life and work. We have many initiatives to celebrate and support attendance in school and ask that parents/careers support the school in this by ensuring that your child attends school every day and on time at 8.30am. Below is a summary of expectations of parents with regard to school attendance.
We ask our children to be an Attendance H.E.R.O. (Here Every day Ready On time) and help us achieve our school attendance target of…
Persistent Absenteeism
Children who miss 19 days in the school year (38 sessions) are classed by the Government as a persistent absentee. Children who are persistently absent from school generally don't do as well as their peers in national tests. They may also find it harder to form friendship groups.
School closely monitors every child's attendance, and will work closely with families whose children are on track to be a persistent absentee. Help and support is offered, and we ask that parents, in line with the Government's expectations, engage with school to ensure that their child doesn't miss out on their education.