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St Barnabas & St Paul's CEPS home page

Class 3P

Welcome to 3P's Class Page

The Year 3 staff are looking forward to sharing all the children's learning that will take place inside and outside the classroom. Please check your child's 'Class Dojo' account daily to keep up to date with key messages and whole school information. You will also be able to view learning that is taking place.


Year 3 Key Information

  • The school gates will open at 8.20am and registration is at 8.30am. Please ensure your child arrives at school on time.
  • Reading books will be sent home every day and will need to be returned the following day.
  • A weekly homework timetable will be posted on Class Dojo every Friday, which will include English, Maths and Oracy tasks. There will also be an optional extra for those children who love to be creative. 
  • Please ensure you child's uniform is clearly labelled.
  • Children may bring in a water bottle each day.
  • Children must be completing 3 Reading Plus activities a week.
  • PE will be on Thursday. Children will need to come to school in their PE kit on this day. 

Summer 2- Curriculum overview and fact buster

Science- Forces and Magnets. This term in science we will be focusing on forces and magnets. In science we looked at different types of forces and described the effect the have on an object. The children identified contact and non contact forces whilst throwing and catching a ball, kicking a football, going down the slide, tug of war and using scissors.

French- Well done to the children in 3P for working really well in french. Mrs Russell was very impressed.

English- This term in English we are looking a new book called The blue whale. The children planned a letter that they are going to write to a whale expert. We were really amazed with some of the facts the children already knew about the blue whale. The children then came up with fantastic questions to what they would like to know about the blue whale.

Art- Egyptian Scrolls This term in Year 3 we will be focusing on exploring and creating Ancient Egyptian art. The children will gain the understanding and apply the styles, patterns, and techniques of Ancient Egyptian art through lessons that include designing scrolls, making paper, and creating contemporary responses using zines.

RE- Easter This term we are focusing on the Easter story, the events of Palm Sunday, Holy week and Easter are a combined mixture of the emotions of joy and sadness. Here the children in 3P added emotions to the following work of art and described the emotions that are expressed in the paintings by The Triumphant Entry of Christ by Hanna-Cheriyan Varghese, Entry into The City by John August Swanson, The Crucifixion by Kathryn A Barnes, Good Friday by JP McLaughlin, The Pardoning of the Penitential Thief by James J Tissot, The Women at the Empty Tomb by Nicholas Myneer and The Risen Lord by He Qi.

Maths- This term in maths we will be focusing on Fractions. The children have been working exceptionally well to understand what a denominator is. They have also worked on comparing and ordering fractions.

St Barnabas & St Paul’s Church of England Primary School

Oakenhurst Road, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB2 1SN

01254 698413